General and Technical Questions: Lumens@polk.edu
Advanced Manufacturing: AMI@polk.edu
Chain of Lakes Collegiate High School: COLAdmin@polk.edu
Child Care Training: ChildCare@polk.edu
College Alliance for Advanced Manufacturing [CAAM]: TrainingSolutions@polk.edu
Construction: TrainingSolutions@polk.edu
Contractor Safety: ContractorSafety@polk.edu
Corporate and Leadership Development: Lead@polk.edu
Educator Preparation Institute: EPI@polk.edu
Emergency Medical Services: EMS@polk.edu
Industrial Maintenance and Machining: TrainingSolutions@polk.edu
Institute of Public Safety: IPS@polk.edu
IT/Computer Applications: PDI@polk.edu
Kids at College: KidsAtCollege@polk.edu
Lakeland Collegiate High School: LKLDCollegiate@polk.edu
Lakeland Gateway to College Collegiate High School: Gateway@polk.edu
Professional Development: PDI@polk.edu
Study Abroad: KSimpson@polk.edu
Supply Chain and Logistics: TrainingSolutions@polk.edu
TLCC Testing: WHTLCCTesting@polk.edu